
Get involved
with Barnardos

You can help us change the lives of Australia’s most vulnerable children by including a Gift in your Will.


Let’s help create brighter futures for children together

In Australia, there are more than 45,000 children without a place they can call home. We are working tirelessly to provide support and care to these vulnerable children, and we need your help.

There are many ways you can make a difference, from making a donation, volunteering your time, or fundraising for us – on your own or with your colleagues. Your vital support will make a positive impact on the lives of these children, and together we can help them reach their full potential.


Here's how you can make a difference

Make a donation

Every dollar donated can help abused and neglected Australian children the care and support they need

Corporate support

We work hard to create impactful partnerships that balance your need to contribute to your community with the needs of your business, customers and employees


Volunteer with Barnardos and help us with our events. We are looking for volunteers to be involved in event support in NSW and the ACT

Fundraise for us

Every dollar that you raise helps to change the lives of those most vulnerable in our community

Give a recurring gift

When you give a recurring gift you become a Barnardos Buddy. Your ongoing donation will give vulnerable Australian children the chance at a brighter future

Gifts for Kids Christmas appeal

This year consider donating a gift to a child in need. Each year we run a gift drive to give presents to the thousands of children in our programs who would otherwise go without

Make a donation

Every dollar donated can help abused and neglected Australian children the care and support they need


Volunteer with Barnardos and help us with our events. We are looking for volunteers to be involved in event support in NSW and the ACT

Give a recurring gift

When you give a recurring gift you become a Barnardos Buddy. Your ongoing donation will give vulnerable Australian children the chance at a brighter future

Corporate support

We work hard to create impactful partnerships that balance your need to contribute to your community with the needs of your business, customers and employees

Fundraise for us

Every dollar that you raise helps to change the lives of those most vulnerable in our community

Gifts for Kids Christmas appeal

This year consider donating a gift to a child in need. Each year we run a gift drive to give presents to the thousands of children in our programs who would otherwise go without

You can help us change lives

Play Video

Sherryn's courageous story

With your help, we've improved the lives of over 14,083 children, young people
and families over the last year, enabling them to recover and thrive!

Update your donor details

By keeping your contact details up to date you’re helping us to ensure you receive important information about your gifts as well as keeping you informed about news and events.

Update your details

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